Faith, Science, and Medicine: They Have More in Common
            Than You Think

Faith, Science, and Medicine: They Have More in Common Than You Think

Faith, Science, and Medicine: They Have More in Common
            Than You Think

The debate between faith and science has raged for centuries. People in both camps have dug in their heels and written countless books and scholarly studies on the topic, pledging their loyalty to one view or the other.

But the argument is fruitless because faith, science, and medicine are all inextricably intertwined, and understanding their relationship to one another is critical when it comes to your healthcare. 

Dr. Joy Kwakuyi understands this well. In fact, he bases his practice, Faith Integrated Psychiatry in Tucson, Arizona, on the knowledge that these three fields are not at odds, but rather, are tightly connected approaches to health and healing. 

Science — In the beginning

Modern science got its start in the 16th and 17th centuries. During that time, Western Europeans kicked off the scientific revolution, which included Capernicus’ model of the solar system, Galileo’s telescope, Newton’s law of gravity, and other groundbreaking discoveries. These scientists had one thing in common — they were all devout Christians. They were leaders in their churches and theological writers, who arguably spent more time studying Scripture than science.

Their faith is important because it served as the foundation of their methods of scientific discovery and therefore the foundation for modern science. They based their research on Christian principles:

  • The universe is orderly and rational.
  • Human senses are God-given and reliable.
  • The created world is good and worthy of investigation.

Unlike the way the Greeks deduced their knowledge of the world based on thoughts and feelings, Western Christians set the standard for experimentation and research, knowing that each new discovery was a further revelation of God’s creation. 

In the late 19th century, a couple of books by John Draper and Andrew White shook things up by claiming that religion and science were polar opposites — but it was a manufactured conflict. Unfortunately, that view gained a foothold that still exists today. Yet, the truth remains: Science never contradicts Scripture, and Scripture never contradicts science. God created them both, and they are complementary truths.

Medicine and faith

The fake controversy between science and faith plays out in the field of medicine in the 21st century. Modern Western medicine considers human bodies as machines and views diseases as interruptions to the mechanical function, which requires management and manipulation. 

Faith focuses on the view of human life as sacred, created, and eternally valuable to its Creator, which means He can choose to heal through modern medicine or take matters into His own hands and heal supernaturally. Since God also created science and medicine, these fields go hand-in-hand with Christian faith.

Over the years, the myth of a conflict between faith and medicine has overshadowed the truth of their complementary natures, and modern physicians have become like secular priests, leading their flocks of patients in matters of human life. Because culture and popular opinion tend to side with that view, faith leaders are often ignored in the conversation.

Not at Faith Integrated Psychiatry!

Where faith, science, and medicine merge

God created your mind, body, and soul. Although His Word states in several places that the salvation of your soul trumps physical health, He also calls for you to treat your body as a member of Christ (I Cor. 6:15) and a temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19), so it stands to reason that we should seek His help and the help of His creation to keep ourselves healthy. 

Science and faith both seek truth, and that truth never invalidates the other. Knowing this frees Dr. Kwakuyi to treat our patients with a broad spectrum of evidence-based Western medicine techniques fully infused with faith, hope, and prayer. 

As a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner with a doctorate in nursing practice and more than 30 years of ministry experience on three continents, Dr. Kwakuyi is one of the most respected integrated psychiatric and mental health practitioners in the country. His book, The Ultimate Cure for Depression: Leveraging Science and Faith for Total Healing, outlines his approach to mental health issues from a faith perspective and is helping thousands achieve victory over depression and attain a life of hope and freedom.

Politicians, business leaders, pastors, and laypeople seek Dr. Kwakuyi’s expertise in faith-based Christian counselingauthentic healing process for depression (AHPD), and cognitive behavioral therapy. If you’re struggling with a mental or emotional disorder and don’t want to choose between your faith and your medical care, we invite you to visit Dr. Kwakuyi and find out how science, medicine, and faith merge in God’s perfect plan for your life.

To schedule a consultation, call us today or request an appointment online.